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Lactose-free Lemon Biscuits – 210g

Lactose-free. Palm oil-free. With eggs from free-range hens.
Timeless quality that testifies to the passion for baked products, a passion transmitted from generation to generation. From the union between past and present a vast range of biscuit production is thus born, to meet a demanding public attentive to the quality and authenticity of the products.

WARNINGS: We always encourage you to check all the information on the product before consuming or using it. Lot and minimum shelf life information, will be provided at the time of purchase.

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Simply Sicilian lemons, ancient grains, fresh eggs and cane sugar give life to delicate and delicious biscuits. Specifically formulated for those who are intolerant to dairy products and derivatives.


The main ingredient is Lemon. Il limone è un vero e proprio dono della natura, fin dall’antichità veniva considerato una sorta di “panacea per tutti i mali”. It is an indispensable and irreplaceable fruit due to its countless beneficial and healing effects: it protects the immune system, aids digestion, reduces cholesterol levels, counteracts atherosclerosis are just some of the benefits of this fruit. Furthermore, the caloric content of lemons is very low, while it is very rich in citric acid, malic acid, essential oils, oligominerals with plenty of potassium, vitamins A, B and C.


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